Monday, May 22, 2023

Vermont Animal Research Projects


Students have been working in small groups to research a Vermont animal. They used books and PebbleGo, to find out about the animal. Students looked for information on the animal's habitat, food, water source, young, and fun facts. After they completed their research booklets, they drew their animal and used the app, ChatterPix to tell how their animal changes the environment. This work is part of our science unit on Organisms. A big thank you to Leah Scott for helping us take pictures of our animals and record facts using ChatterPix!


Saturday, May 20, 2023

The Power of Play

Kindergarten students enjoyed extra playtime on Friday.  "Research shows play can improve children's abilities to plan, organize, get along with others, and regulate emotions. In addition, play helps with language, math, and social skills, and even helps children cope with stress." ( and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) clinical report)

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Taking Care of Trees


A part of our current science unit on Organisms deals with human impact on the environment.  We wanted to do something to help the environment.  We investigated the area around our school and noticed the small trees on the playground were not looking very good.  The bark was peeled off the trees, there were deep holes around the trees, and people had been swinging on the branches.  Our class decided to take action and find a way to help the small ornamental trees.  Students made signs asking people to swing on the monkey bars, instead of the trees and to be kind to the trees.  We put these signs around the trees.  Please check out our video to see how we worked together to help the trees.