Friday, September 29, 2017

Gingerbread Cookie Hunt at RES

Once again those tricky little gingerbread cookies escaped from the ovens at RES.  Kindergarten students searched high and low throughout the school to find them.  We stopped in many classrooms and office spaces to search for our missing cookies.  Everywhere we went we saw signs or clues that our cookies had been there.  Sometimes we found crumbs and sometimes we found a picture of a gingerbread man or girl that said "Run, run as fast as you can.  You can't catch me.  I'm the gingerbread man." or  "Whirl, whirl, twist and twirl.  You can't catch me.  I'm the gingerbread girl."  We asked other students and teachers if they had seen our cookies but no one had seen them.  Finally, we went to Mr. White, our principal, and asked for his help.  He cancelled all of his meetings immediately and went in search of our missing cookies.  We saw him running (and falling) as he searched for our cookies outside.  He searched all over the playgrounds and found our cookies.  He scooped them up with his net and returned them to us.  Thank you Mr. White for returning our runaway gingerbread cookies to us.   You saved the day (and the cookies were delicious!)