Saturday, September 2, 2017

Mrs. Gilbar's Class Schedule


I have attached a link to our class schedule.   It is a general schedule for the year.  Sometimes changes are made to our schedule if needed.  At the beginning of the year our reading and writing workshops and math times are much shorter.  As the year progresses the amount of time we spend increases.  In the beginning we are spending a great deal of time playing get to know you games. learning school rules, exploring our classroom and materials, etc.  Throughout the year we have many movement breaks each day.  They are not outlined in the schedule but are an important part of our school day.  Students have already learned several yoga poses and mindfulness activities.  They particularly like our mindfulness activity where we "freeze" our body and then "melt" one part at a time.  

Mrs. Gilbar's Class Schedule 2017-2018