Friday, April 29, 2022

Playground Challenge

 Mr. Rector asked all of the students at RES to design their "dream playground".  What pieces of our current playground should we keep?  What new equipment would we like to have on the playground?   Mr. Rector is going to look at everyone's suggestions as he works to design a new playground. Kindergarten students had many ideas for a new playground, from swimming pools to pirate ships.  It will be exciting to see which of our ideas ends up on the new playground.

The Lorax

 Our class read the Lorax by Dr. Seuss.  We loved the message about caring for the environment.     

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." - The Lorax. 

Our class knows that taking care of the trees, water, and earth is important for animals and humans.  We made our own Lorax posters to hang in the hall.  Check out these awesome Lorax pictures. Great job Kindergarteners!

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Family Visit & Classroom Tour

Thank you, families, for joining us this morning.  We appreciate your spending time with us.  Kindergarten students loved showing you their classroom, books, and writing.  We all had such a wonderful time!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Outdoor Learning


What a beautiful day!  Our class enjoyed the sunshine and warm weather.  We spent a lot of time outside today.  We had snack in the Neighborhood Forest and then read-to-self and read-to-partner time.  Later in the day, kindergarten scientists searched for living things, recorded, and shared what we found.  Students discovered many small insects, worms, and trees.  We even saw a chipmunk and a squirrel.  After our science investigation, we had time to play in the woods.  We love spring and being outside!