Thursday, May 28, 2015

Field Trip to the Farr Farm

The weather cooperated long enough on Wednesday for us to visit the Farr Farm in Richmond.  Erin Farr and Isaac showed us the barn, cows, robotic milking machine, farm equipment and feed.  We enjoyed feeding the cows, petting the baby calf and exploring the farm.  It was interesting watching the robotic milking machine milk cows.
We want to thank Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont (NOFA-VT) for sponsoring our field trip to the farm.  They covered the cost of transportation and a farmer stipend.  Thank you to Erin and Ashley Farr for corresponding back and forth with our class this year and for allowing us to visit their farm.  Thank you to the parent volunteers who helped chaperone our trip.  We learned a lot and had a great time.