Sunday, September 8, 2024

Our First 2 Weeks in Kindergarten


Hello Families,

Our first 2 weeks in kindergarten have gone by quickly!  We have been busy getting to know each other and building a community.  We are learning the expectations and routines for kindergarten and our school.  Kindergarteners are learning to read to self and to read with a partner.  We have built up to 3 minutes of each. (We move slowly to build stamina and foster a love of reading.)  In writing, we have been working on self-portraits and family pictures.  We are even working on creating a map of our heart.  We draw and/or write the things we care about in the maps of our hearts.  A favorite activity this week was working cooperatively with a partner to build the tallest tower using only 14 blocks.  What fun we are having playing and working together!  Thank you for sharing your children with me.